Sunday, November 1, 2009


Ministry of Interior- Any document that has a half-page archive certification (i.e. birth certificates, death certificates or adoption decree) that are less than one year old must be accompanied by a certification letter from the Ministry of Justice. (That has been the case for about nine months now...) That letter has three different officials' signatures on it...BUT NOW, that letter also has to be legalized (certified) on the back of it. 

It is like nobody trusts nobody in Haiti... It means that the certification (which is the half-page archive) has to be certified by the letter from the Ministry of Justice (with the three separate signatures) which has to be certified by the further is like a never ending chain!

U.S. Embassy - No news on the way DNA will be done now. Also, we have not received any DNA tests back that had been done prior to the change. I will post as soon as I learn something new.

Also, the embassy is holding another adoption workshop/meeting in November. Invited are Haitian government officials, French and Canadian embassy personnel, orphanage directors, etc. I was asked to be on the "panel of experts" to present along side with Madam Pierre (IBESR director), Judge Cadet (Port au Prince Parquet/Court), Dixie Bickel (GLA) and two others whom I do not know.


Anonymous said...

How long is it currently taking for files to get out of MOI? This new addition will obviously add to the length.

Anonymous said...

Hope it works out for you to sit on the panel...not sure what that means during a meeting in Haiti..but I just feel better with you being in the room! If you get the mic, please tell them to get off the 35/10/0 law! We desperately want to get our adoption moving, at least even into the black hole of IBESR, but our ages (33 and 29) are holding us up. We will be praying for that meeting. If they get the date "nailed down" please let us know.

johninara said...

neverending is right...we've been in MOI 14 months now :o(
and my B&SIL have been in IBESR 14 months (and they're both over 35, married 15 years...but w/bio kids) said...

The people who posted about MOI, please email me directly at

I cannot respond to your postings without your email address. Thanks!

kayder1996 said...

Ditto on the 35/10/0 law. 14 months in IBESR on our 2nd Haitian adoption because we are only 31. (Married ten years, no bio kids.) Kicker? We adopted from Haiti before and spent 3 months in IBESR then. I understand that sometimes rules change but our paperwork entered IBESR months before any of the "rules" were set to change. (I know, I'm preaching to the choir.) Seriously, I just want there to be a somewhat efficient and orderly process where people know what the rules are and what to expect.

Amanda said...

Is there anything we can do (petitions, emails, phone calls, etc.) in order to express our desires for our DNA tests to be completed promptly? There are many of us now waiting on something this simple and it's on the U.S. side of things. What can we do? Any suggestions?