Wednesday, December 14, 2011

UNICEF & Declining Adoption Numbers

The Waning of International Adoption
Numbers Don't Lie

This information was provided by Harvard Professor Elizabeth Bartholet:
The depressing 2011 statistics demonstrate the ongoing reduction in international adoption. 2011 Adoption Statistic

UNICEF Continues to Undermine International Adoption
A powerful new film documentary demonstrates the harsh impact on unparented children of the elimination of Guatemala's former international adoption system. This film does an extraordinary job of documenting the problematic role UNICEF plays in international adoption policy. Abandoned in Guatemala

Andrea Poe urges people not to buy UNICEF holiday cards given the destructive role that UNICEF has played in denying unparented children homes in international adoption.
Why I Won't Buy UNICEF Cards

Is There a Better Way Forward?
The Separate Statement on international adoption policy was issued as part of the recent Way Forward Project led by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute. This Way Forward Project is designed to encourage the reduction in the use of institutions as a method of addressing the needs of unparented children in six African nations. An important Separate Statement promoting international adoption as a key method of serving children's needs was incorporated in the Way Forward Project's Final Report. This Statement was signed by: Elizabeth Bartholet, Morris Wasserstein Public Interest Professor of Law, Harvard University, Dana E. Johnson, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota, Tendai Masiriri, International Services Manager for Africa Programs, Bethany Christian Services International, Inc. and Elizabeth Styffe, RN MN, Director HIV/AIDS & Orphan Care Initiatives, Saddleback Church.
Promoting Permanency through Adoption
Center for Adoption Policy
Child Advocacy Program at Harvard Law School