Tuesday, July 22, 2008


July 22, 2008: I have been told by several (reliable) sources that Parquet is not closed and that they are still processing adoption cases. I will post more as I learn more. I am back in Haiti as of the end of this week.

July 21, 2008: There are two reasons cited as to why Parquet in Port au Prince, is not going to process any adoption decrees over the summer.

Reason #1:
There are lots of criminal cases that need to be processed, so the adoption cases are being put on hold.

Reason #2:
The U.S. Embassy and UNICEF have been pressuring the Haitian government in regards to the way adoptions are being processed. In response Parquet in PAP is going to close to revise and review the process.


Anonymous said...


What can we do to spread the word about how damaging UNICEF is? I am a adoptive grandparent-to-be, and my daughter and her husband are in the final stage of adoption after over 2 1/2 years. I am retiring soon, and would love to spend some of my time taking the wind out of UNICEF's sails.
Please let me know what I can do to help.

Anonymous said...

Have they not been processing all summer, or will it just be for the rest of the summer? Any timeframe? I can undestand reviewing/revising the system, but this seems a bit fishy. I hope that they are able to come up with a better method of moving the files and that UNICEF doesn't influence too much.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean a push to get Haiti to sign the Hague agreement?

and if it is the US Embassy pushing this as well why then can't they continue to process non-US files???

Anonymous said...


if the parquet does not close from August to October, is what you can tell us why the parquet to convene all directors to the parquet tomorrow for a reunion

excuse my English but I'm from quebec and I do not speak English

kc said...

does anyone know how far out the consulate is making visa appointments these days?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering how long is it taking for passports to be issued once all of the MOI documents have been approved. Also, wondering about the Visa appointments, how far out are he appointments once you submit your application for approval?