Saturday, August 23, 2008

Claudy Gassant Update

In summary, Claudy Gassant following his "resignation" from Parquet as the chief judge has been appointed to a diplomatic post in the Dominican Republic. According to the article, he had tried to negotiate a more important post, but did not get it. There is also discussion in the article about abusing power and complaints against Gassant.

In English (translation):

Haiti diplomacy:
The ex-commissaire of the Government Claudy Gassant "named" to the Consulate of Haiti to Santiago (North of the Republic Dominicaine)D’intenses negotations for him to find a higher function in Haiti would not have resulted Wednesday August 20 2008,

Radio Kiskeya
The ex-commissaire of the Government near the civil Court of Port-au-Prince, Claudy Gassant, left the Haitian capital Tuesday in day environment for the Dominican Republic where it would have been named to the Consulate of Haiti to Santiago (Cibao, North).

No official communiqué came to inform on the allocation of Mr. Gassant to the Haitian Consulate of Santiago. Close sources of the Haitian Ministry of the foreign affairs nevertheless confirmed, under cover with the anonymity, that an official passport was put back to the ex-chef of the Floor of Port-au-Prince for that it goes in territory neighbor.

Before attaining the Dominican Republic through the border, Claudy Gassant returned the goods of the State that had been put at his disposal,. of which of the weapons and an armored vehicle, learned Radio Kiskeya. The policemen that assured his compared security received the order to reintegrate the Unity of General Security of the National Palace (USGPN) of which they were originating from.

Claudy Gassant announced last week his resignation of the post of Boss of the Floor of the civil Court of Port-au-Prince to the fort of a serious crisis practically having put it to the taken ones with the command of the National Police of Haiti (PNH). It himself there had cut the reputation of a magistrate to the immense strengths, doing not have to realize its acts that to the Boss of the State. All recognizing some for him virtues, notably in the matter of his will to reform the Floor and to reinforce the public action against crime, the corruption and the illicit traffic of the narcotics, representatives of various sectors of the Haitian corporation anyway reproached for him one leaning marked towards the excesses and the abuse of power.

The departure for the Dominican Republic of "the strong man" Floor de20la capital came to deny the predictions of the senator of the West John Hector Anacacis that had left to believe journalists that Gassant was going to be been named to a more important post. Without naming whoever, the parliamentary one ironically had wished the resignation of certain persons that would be ashamed to be again to their posts the moment the ex-commissaire of the Government would attain this "high function". Of no there had seen an allusion scarcely veiled to the commander in chief of the PNH, Mario Andrésol, on the subject of that circulated at the same time rumors of resignation.

Claudy Gassant is itself finally resolved to take the direction of the Dominican Republic after the failure of excessive negotations aiming at him to find a new important post within the device of State, according to of non official the news. These negotations would have implied fervent Haitian defenders of Gassant, left fact so of the administration Alexis/Préval that of important international institutions. [jmd RK]

In French:


L’ex-Commissaire du Gouvernement Claudy Gassant « nommé » au Consulat d’Haïti à Santiago (Nord de la République Dominicaine)D’intenses tractations pour lui trouver une plus haute fonction en Haïti n’auraient pas abouti mercredi 20 août 2008,

Radio Kiskeya

L’ex-Commissaire du Gouvernement près le Tribunal civil de Port-au-Prince, Claudy Gassant, a laissé la capitale haïtienne mardi en milieu de journée pour la République Dominicaine où il aurait été nommé au Consulat d’Haïti à Santiago (Cibao, Nord).

Aucun communiqué officiel n’est venu renseigner sur l’affectation de M. Gassant au Consulat haïtien de Santiago. Des sources proches du Ministère haïtien des affaires étrangères ont cependant confirmé, sous couvert de l’anonymat, qu’un passeport officiel a été remis à l’ex-chef du Parquet de Port-au-Prince pour qu’il se rende en territoire voisin.

Avant d’atteindre la République dominicaine via la frontière, Claudy Gassant a restitué les biens de l’Etat qui avaient été mis à sa disposition, .dont des armes et un véhicule blindé, a appris Radio Kiskeya. Les policiers qui assuraient sa sécurité rapprochée ont reçu l’ordre de réintégrer l’Unité de Sécurité Générale du Palais National (USGPN) dont ils étaient issus.

Claudy Gassant a annoncé la semaine dernière sa démission du poste de Chef du Parquet du Tribunal civil de Port-au-Prince au fort d’une grave crise l’ayant pratiquement mis aux prises avec le Commandement de la Police Nationale d’Haïti (PNH). Il s’y était taillé la réputation d’un magistrat aux pouvoirs immenses, n’ayant à rendre compte de ses actes qu’au Chef de l’Etat. Tout en lui reconnaissant des vertus, notamment en ce qui concerne sa volonté de réformer le Parquet et de renforcer l’action publique contre le banditisme, la corruption et le trafic illicite des stupéfiants, des représentants de divers secteurs de la société haïtienne lui ont tout de même reproché un penchant marqué vers les excès et les abus de pouvoir.

Le départ pour la République Dominicaine de « l’homme fort » du Parquet de20la capitale est venu démentir les prédictions du sénateur de l’Ouest Jean Hector Anacacis qui avaient laissé croire à des journalistes que Gassant allait être nommé à un poste plus important. Sans nommer quiconque, le parlementaire avait ironiquement souhaité la démission de certaines personnes qui auraient honte d’être encore à leurs postes au moment où l’ex-Commissaire du Gouvernement accéderait à cette « haute fonction ». D’aucuns y avaient vu une allusion à peine voilée au Commandant en Chef de la PNH, Mario Andrésol, au sujet de qui circulaient dans le même temps des rumeurs de démission.

Claudy Gassant se serait finalement résolu à prendre la direction de la République Dominicaine après l’échec d’intenses tractations visant à lui trouver un nouveau poste important au sein de l’appareil d’Etat, selon des informations non officielles. Ces tractations auraient impliqué de fervents défenseurs haïtiens de Gassant, faisant partie tant de l’administration Alexis/Préval que d’importantes institutions internationales. [jmd/RK]


Sarah and Tim said...

I went to this web site:( and had it all translated, and this is what it says,

The ex-commissaire of the Government Claudy Gassant "named" to the Consulate of Haiti to Santiago (North of the Republic Dominicaine)D’intenses negotations for him to find a higher function in Haiti would not have resulted Wednesday August 20 2008,

Radio Kiskeya

The ex-commissaire of the Government near the civil Court of Port-au-Prince, Claudy Gassant, left the Haitian capital Tuesday in day environment for the Dominican Republic where it would have been named to the Consulate of Haiti to Santiago (Cibao, North).

No official communiqué came to inform on the allocation of Mr. Gassant to the Haitian Consulate of Santiago. Close sources of the Haitian Ministry of the foreign affairs nevertheless confirmed, under cover with the anonymity, that an official passport was put back to the ex-chef of the Floor of Port-au-Prince for that it goes in territory neighbor.

Before attaining the Dominican Republic through the border, Claudy Gassant returned the goods of the State that had been put at his disposal,. of which of the weapons and an armored vehicle, learned Radio Kiskeya. The policemen that assured his compared security received the order to reintegrate the Unity of General Security of the National Palace (USGPN) of which they were originating from.

Claudy Gassant announced last week his resignation of the post of Boss of the Floor of the civil Court of Port-au-Prince to the fort of a serious crisis practically having put it to the taken ones with the command of the National Police of Haiti (PNH). It himself there had cut the reputation of a magistrate to the immense strengths, doing not have to realize its acts that to the Boss of the State. All recognizing some for him virtues, notably in the matter of his will to reform the Floor and to reinforce the public action against crime, the corruption and the illicit traffic of the narcotics, representatives of various sectors of the Haitian corporation anyway reproached for him one leaning marked towards the excesses and the abuse of power.

The departure for the Dominican Republic of "the strong man" Floor de20la capital came to deny the predictions of the senator of the West John Hector Anacacis that had left to believe journalists that Gassant was going to be been named to a more important post. Without naming whoever, the parliamentary one ironically had wished the resignation of certain persons that would be ashamed to be again to their posts the moment the ex-commissaire of the Government would attain this "high function". Of no there had seen an allusion scarcely veiled to the commander in chief of the PNH, Mario Andrésol, on the subject of that circulated at the same time rumors of resignation.

Claudy Gassant is itself finally resolved to take the direction of the Dominican Republic after the failure of excessive negotations aiming at him to find a new important post within the device of State, according to of non official the news. These negotations would have implied fervent Haitian defenders of Gassant, left fact so of the administration Alexis/Préval that of important international institutions

Anonymous said...

I went to and found a similar translation:


The former Government Commissioner Claudy Gassant was "appointed" to the Consulate of Haiti in Santiago (north of the Dominican Republic). Intense negotiations to find him a higher position in Haiti have been unsuccessfulas of Wednesday, August 20, 2008,

Radio Kiskeya

The former Government Commissioner with the Civil Court of Port-au-Prince, Claudy Gassant, left the Haitian capital Tuesday, mid-day, for the Dominican Republic where he was appointed to the Consulate of Haiti in Santiago (Cibao North).

Before reaching the Dominican Republic through the border, Claudy Gassant returned the state property that had been placed at his disposal. Including weapons and an armoured vehicle, says Radio Kiskeya. The police officers who ensured its security had been ordered to reinstate the General Security Unit of the National Palace (USGPN) where they came from.

Claudy Gassant announced last week his resignation from the post of Chief of Public Prosecutions Civil Court of Port-au-Prince during a very serious crisis which he had virtually been grappling with the Command of the Haitian National Police (HNP ). He had carved out a reputation as a judge with immense powers, and now had to account for his actions as head of state. While recognizing the virtues, especially as regards its willingness to reform the prosecution and to strengthen public action against banditry, corruption and illicit trafficking in narcotics, representatives of various sectors of Haitian society criticized a marked penchant to the excesses and abuses of power.

The departure for the Dominican Republic the "strong man" of Public Prosecutions de20la capital came to refute the predictions of the West Senator John Hector Anacacis who had suggested to reporters that Gassant would be appointed to a more important role. Without naming anyone, the parliamentarian had ironically called for the resignation of some people who would still be ashamed of their posts when the former Government Commissioner acceded to this "high office". Some had seen a veiled allusion to the Commander in Chief of the Haitian National Police, Mario Andrésol, about which were circulating at the same time rumors of resignation.

Claudy Gassant finally resolved to accept the direction of the Dominican Republic after the failure of intense negotiations aimed at finding a new important post within the State apparatus, according to unofficial information. These negotiations have involved strong supporters of Haitian Gassant, forming part of both the hotel Alexis / Préval that major international institutions. [JMD / RK]